
Finnish Young Minds is an organization under the Finnish Physical Society. Young Minds bring together young researchers from undergraduate level to post doctoral researchers. The aim is to increase interaction and collaboration among students and young researchers from local and national institutions. We want to promote awareness of physics research to local communities outside academia.

Next Event

22.3.2017 17.00-18.30 Aalto-university, Töölö, A407 (Otakaari 1) AGM and Pitching of one's own research

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Annual general meeting and pitching practice during the physics days of 2017

Hi, everyone!

Finnish Young Minds, a network of young physics researchers and PhD students organizes an opportunity to practice pitching your own research in a concise and interesting manner.

The ability to explain the main points one’s own research in a few minutes is an excellent skill to have in conferences and other social events.

The point of the event is for the participants to practice their own pitch and also to get to know the other participants and their research topics.

At the start of the session we will held the annual general meeting of the Finnish Young Minds section the agenda is below

1. Opening of the meeting

2. Legality and quorum

3. Approvel of the agenda

4. Announcements

5. Activity report 2016

6. Action plan 2017

7. Election of officers for the term 2017

8. Miscellaneous

9. Closing of the meeting

The event will be held on 22.3.2017 in room A407 at 17.00-18.30 o’clock during the Physics Days 2017 in Aalto University’s Töölö Campus.


Hei, kaikki!

Nuorten fysiikan tutkijoiden ja opiskelijoiden verkosto Finnish Young Minds järjestää tilaisuuden harjoitella oman tutkimuksen “pitchausta” eli tiiviin mutta kiinnostavan esittelyn pitämistä.

Oman tutkimusaiheen tiivistäminen muutaman minuutin puheeksi on erinomainen taito niin konferensseissa kuin keskustellessa esimerkiksi mahdollisten rahoittajien tai sukulaisten kanssa.

Ideana tapahtumassa on harjoitella osaamistaan esittelyssä sekä samalla tutustua muihin osallistujiin ja heidän tutkimusaiheisiinsa.

Tilaisuuden aluksi pidetään Finnish Young Mindsin vuosikokous, jonka asialista on alla

1. Kokouksen avaus

2. Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus

3. Esityslistan hyväksyminen kokouksen työjärjestykseksi

4. Ilmoitusasiat

5. Toimintakertomus 2016

6. Toimintasuunnitelma 2017

7. Toimijoiden valitseminen kaudelle 2017

8. Muut esille tulevat asiat

9. Kokouksen päättäminen

Tapahtuma järjestetään 22.3.2017 salissa A407 klo 17.00-18.30 Fysiikan päivillä Aalto yliopiston Töölön kampuksella.



Young Physicist Lecture on Thu Jun 2nd 4pm @ Helsinki

The Finnish Physical Society awarded the Young Physicist Prize to Ari-Pekka Honkanen for his exceptional Master’s thesis in material physics with topic “X-ray diffraction properties of spherically bent crystal analysers”. Jaana Heikkilä received the Young Physicist Honorary Award for her thesis in the field of particle physics with topic “Searching for degenerate Higgs bosons using a profile likelihood ratio method”.

Now Finnish Young Minds invites both of the laureates to give short lectures about working on their theses as well as shortly about the topics. This is an excellent opportunity to learn how these extraordinary theses were produced as the event is targeted for students who are near the beginning of their thesis project. Everyone is welcome, though!.

The event will be held on

Thursday 2nd of June at 4.15 pm

in Physicum, Kumpula campus, University of Helsinki, class A315 (HIP seminar room).

There will be time for questions and discussion after both of the short lectures. The event will be held in English.

The physics students’ association Resonanssi offers coffee, tea and some small snacks.


The First Month

Tuesday 29.3.2016 was a remarkable day. The preparatory work done by The Finnish Physical Society and few students paid off as the Finnish Young Minds section was succesfully founded at the 2016 Physics Days at Oulu, Finland. The founding meeting was followed by a panel discussion titled ”What Comes After Graduation?”, where five senior scientists shared their views on e.g. how to get original ideas and handle domestical life while at the same time pursuing an academic career. At the Physics Days one could sense a positive and an genuinely intrested atmosphere towards the Finnish Young Minds organisation

For the first officers of the section four eager recent or soon-to-be graduates were selected, all of whom had been part of the planning comittee formed last fall. Olli-Pekka Tikkanen from University of Eastern Finland was selected for the chair of the organisation with Anu Tuomela from University of Oulu acting as his right hand and vice-chair. The duties of the treasurer and secretary were given to Joona Havukainen and Anton Saressalo, respectively, whom are both students from the University of Helsinki. As can be seen the board is a fairly diverse cut from the finnish universities that do give degrees in physical sciences. Students from both Aalto university and University of Jyväskylä also showed interested to participate in the activities in the section.

The month of April and the start of May has seen the new board to hold two meetings. So far the Finnish Young Minds section has been officially accepted as a Young Minds section of the European Physical Society and the board as come to agree how it can accept members in accordance to the bylaws of the section. Now it is actually possible to become a member of the section provided that the applicant is a member of the Finnish Physical Society, European Physical Society or one of it’s member organisations.

Activity-wise the board has started to prepare few events. One of which will hopefully be organized in Helsinki in early June and one which which will happen at least in Helsinki, Oulu and Kuopio in the fall. The best way to keep up with the information about on-going activities is to follow us on twitter and like our facebook page where the most recent information will be distributed. Stay tuned.

Olli-Pekka Tikkanen


Bylaws and action plan for the founding meeting

You can find the bylaws and the action plan of the Finnish Young Minds section below.


Action plan